The Bite
Chimy Changa

2 Weeks of Explosive Events

By Kington
2 Weeks of explosives. Wow. I never knew life could be so crazy.

By explosive I don't mean the Alfred Noble TNT variety explosive.

Will E.Coyote getting bitched.

No not c4 sized either.

C4 battlefield style.

It's so difficult to put into words I just had to get help looks like Little Boy pretty much sums it up.

Little boy goes BOOM

All I have to say until the next blog post is that as a result from those 2 weeks:

1 Cycling accident(yes another 1)

2 Pissed off girls(1 annoyed 1 pissed)

and I'm seeing a surgeon tomorrow about the one of 3 things I fear most in my body


Oh and I've got a flu too woweee!!!.


15 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous 7/27/2006 10:28:00 pm
    OMG KINGSTON! :D I know why I always forget about your chatbox thingamajiggy at the side. YOU KNOW WHY! Because I always use Netscape and when I use Netscape, it doesn't appear! :O!!! I figured it out, that's so cool. (:
  2. Anonymous 7/28/2006 04:52:00 pm
    Hello Kington!
    May I know when will your next blog be posted?
    do you have an ICQ?
    I would like to chat with you!
  3. Kington 7/28/2006 11:26:00 pm
    I used to but it's not so user friendly and it used to lag my com

    who are you anyway?

    the next post will be up when i think of how to take a good picture of the x-ray
  4. Anonymous 7/30/2006 11:25:00 pm
    Hello!When do you usually sleep at night?(0r midnight?)
  5. Anonymous 7/31/2006 10:18:00 pm
    Waaah Kington!!! Dont leave us!! We still love you haahahaahah
  6. Kington 7/31/2006 10:23:00 pm
    somewhere between 12-2........

    it's dahm hard to kill la the condition

    suffering is compulsory for serious cases though XD
  7. Anonymous 8/01/2006 04:15:00 pm
    May I know why do you sleep so late at 12-2am?
  8. Anonymous 8/01/2006 04:17:00 pm
    I would like to know more about you,Kington!Can you post a blog about yourself?
  9. Anonymous 8/02/2006 03:51:00 pm
    I know that you are sitting for SPM this year!
    Wish that you can get straight A1 in SPM year 2006.
  10. Anonymous 8/02/2006 03:55:00 pm
    I'd like to apologise because I have asked you so many 'busybody' questions!
    Oh ya!Always remember that
  11. Kington 8/03/2006 06:53:00 am
    A blog post on myself??

    uhhh ok la next post k

    who are you anyway?
  12. Anonymous 8/03/2006 07:00:00 pm
    Well,i'll tell most probably after your SPM!
  13. Anonymous 8/04/2006 02:44:00 pm
    That hurts.
  14. Anonymous 8/04/2006 09:04:00 pm
    Kingston, anonymous stalking you issit? -_- Eh go away, Kingston's coughminecough. HAHAHAHAHA. To kacau la at least. :D
  15. Kington 8/13/2006 01:01:00 am

    I like my sleeeeeppppp telll me laaaaa.......

    yean: O_O

Something to say?