The Bite
Chimy Changa

Funny quotes

By Kington
All of it came from Terry Pratchett's "Going Postal".

"you're so crooked"
"you could walk through a corkscrew sideways"

"when you get that dangerous look in your eyes"
"and the word 'Friend' comes out of your mouth"
"it sounds a lot like the word 'Pal' coming out of"
"a guy in a alleyway offering you free cosmetic surgery"

"she said you weren't a complete arse"
"which is good"

"and she gave him a look which looked like she just found him adhering to the underside of her shoe"

"and how is the free hospital"
"some people don't die"

"He starts everyday with a quater pint of gin mixed with spirits of nitre, flour of sulphur, juniper and the juice of an onion. He says it clears the tubes."
"Good Heavens I'm sure it does. Does he smoke at all?"
"No-o. It looks more like steam."

"I heard if you fail to kill me after hanging me 3 times i'm free?"
"there's a reason they gave me the nickname 1 drop trooper"

"so would you prefer to work for me or do the 2 step sicily"
"i beg your pardon?"
"oh sorry i meant the hemp fandango"
(hemp= popular variety of rope stronger than jut)


By Kington
After cheating a little I ended up with this.

Congratulations Lee Kington, you are 5% not Malaysian.

That means you're as Malaysian as...

Abdullah Badawi !

How Un-Malaysian Are You?


A Little Journey To The South

By Kington

With my sister and my couz from back from UK the family decided we had to go south to see our old folks.

Groggily waking up at 6:30 we got our respective cars and head down south.

When I mean respective cars I mean my family gets into the family car.

I get into my aunt's car for English tutoring. Ouch.

We'll it's not really bad actually it's quite interesting especially with all the boring english lessons in school this was gonna be a very indepth explanation of the english language.

Anyway after getting the whole she-bang for 4 hours down we finally reached our sweet hometown.

Kluang, Johor.

Lazy to type so I'll just post pics.

After every good meal you need a good nap.

Checking out some old clothes.

My aunt planning my sister's next baking lesson.

We pretty much just ate and slept but before we came back to PJ we went to.........


The counter of the original kluang coffe station.

Dining*ahem* area.

Look at my uncle's eager face. ^^

The history cabinet of Kluang Railway Station Coffe. My dad pointed at the bottom right picture and said "My friend." O_O

Kaya bread and bun if you thought our mamaks made good toasted kaya bread eat this and you'll cry.

Ah the good old "kurang manis" sadly tak manis anymore la.

A good man who sure knows how to make it good!!

After that we headed to Yong Peng's peanut king shop. Nothing much but peanuts...

He's a king just like me. ^^

We got home about 9 and ate some hokkien noodles before going home.

I was just about to chill out then I remembered the following day was Monday. Suck ****.


And Now For A Medical Fact Loaded Post

By Kington
Sometime about 3 weeks ago I went to see my doc for a flu and while we were there my sis said

"Show him your back"
A few days ago my sis had a look at my shirtless back and saw that I was A-Symetrical. So she decided to get me to ask the doc.
Then my doctor,Dr.Kung examines my spine and checks it's flow and then proceeds to tell me to get it x-rayed and come back when I've done it.
So we went to Damansara Specialist Hospital on 19th July, Wednesday and had it x-rayed.
We received a report stating that I had scoliosis on the 6th lumbar vertebra with 26 degree curvature. Whoopee.
I was taking pretty well la coz I felt that I can't do anything about it anyway already so take it easy but I have to admit i felt a stab of fear. So then I went to cut hair. Jazzy better hair cut that requires a lot of gel to keep it looking good.
Anyway after that we headed straight to Dr.Kung and then when he saw the x-ray he just staggered and said "WAH!" from that point on I just had to laugh then he said his sister also had it but it was only 16 degrees and then his sister was there so she showed me what were the effects of it. Tilted hips so?
Anyway he said that my slouching is a compensatory act for it. Then he refused to tell us anything until my dad or my mom came so we had to wait till Monday.
On Monday I had a fever so I skipped school and we had him tell me everything in the morning. In a nutshell he said this la:
Scoliosis will progress for the rest of my life.
Anything above 30 is bad.
I may be too old for a corset.
I may have to do physiotheraphy.
And a Harrington Rod may be in the works for me.
My scoliosis is serious.
And that a corset and physio would be deemed quite conservative for someone my age.
The cause for it is also: GOK
God Only Knows.
So he refrred us to a surgeon based in Asunta hospital for a consultation.
On Wednesday 26th of July we went to see the good doctor and we had to wait 1 hour.
I had already mentally prepared myself that he would probably give me the Harrington rod so i was feeling dahm scared the night before but I just prayed and put myself to His will if the Lord says I have to have the rod so be it.
Or at least I'll bitch about getting it when I'm lying in the wierd ass bed after the surgery.
So we went to see Mr.Chung (dahm surgeons don't like to be called doctor) and he was chubby guy yet he also seemed healthy so he examined my spine and tested my joints for Marfan syndrom which thankfully I don't have and then he did this.
(error in getting this pic so hold on for a while please as i get it fixed)
Anyway he had a look at the x-ray and then he took out a crayon and started drawing then he made and angle and used a protractor to measure it.
Curvier in real life actually(thanks Wei Yew for holding it up)
Then he wrote "35 degrees" nearly passed out there.
Then he turned to me and said "Not so bad I guess."
In a nutshell he said
It's cause is unknown.
I'm now part camel because it causes a hump.
The dreaded Harrington rod is long outdated.
There's no need to do anything because it actually won't progress till the end of my life.
I have to exercise those back muscles so that it prevent any futher curving
A degenerative back disease might rear the ugly operating table's face back into view.
I need to make sure it doesn't exceed 45 degrees if not it's RAMROD TIME.
Leaving the doc's office I felt that I had the need to skip around or at least fly around.
Feeling so great I went back to school and gave Su Ann her first present anyway.
And so ends the great spine fiasco sorry to all those people I lashed out anyway for that few weeks cause IT WAS DAHM TENSION!!!
Now when I thing of his face I think he looks like Fatt Choy( Buddha) he's got the chubby cheeks the size the height and THE BUDHA EARS!!! Plus he said some pretty mercifull things in there.
Oh my dad says he wants to see this grumpy old prune of a doc which is THE best orthopedic surgeon for a second opinion. Start again.....