The Bite
Chimy Changa

Blades+Groggy person+Dark room+Late at night= Accident

By Kington
Spm is nearly here.

So that means staying up late and flipping the pages till they come off their hinges.

So that leads to wierd things happening at night very very wierd things like accidents with blades lots of blades.

So yeah I wanted to cut the answers off my other history book.
So I opened the casing for the fresh new super sharp japanese made blades.
Then while I was looking for the boxcutter I tilted the box....Downwards.

Heard the thunk of blades hitting the chair....*looks* down.....Eh I can't see what happened? *looks to the right hand* Oh it's got the blade in it.

Just 1? OH SHIT!!Oh there it is..... few inches to the my left foot....really "langkah kiri"(bad luck)Tough skin!!! Wooottttt!!! Thats all that happened in the end.Yeah anyway I'm using a lamp that you can see the reflection off in the pic anyway. So the room is pretty dark. Taken at 2:30 am btw.

Bored after studying history? Play with mosquito racquets and dead mosquitos!!! Watch the wing.

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