Land Leeches

Yeap I know what you must be thinking.Thats a mutant leach. And indeed it is!!!
So what is a leach?
noun [C]
1 a fat worm which lives in wet places and fastens itself onto the bodies of humans and animals to take their blood
2 DISAPPROVING a person who gives attention to someone over a long period in order to get their money or support
But yeah it's not about them little critters it's about those nasty friends I have.
Normally Daniel,Kein Yew and me would go around "leeching" off subjective pads or objective pads during exam times but thats just paper.
Ever since trials I've picked up the scent for leaks in exams even if they were wrong *cough* sejarah *cough*.
Then I'd always have some people that nicely and politely ask me for some of the juice.
I generally provide........but not anymore.
You guys are really infuriating me or at least some of you guys la. I don't mind giving a few fellas that I'm close to or memang trading with me already.
But leeching endlessly is just going to piss me off take don't give then when you don't need me you literally tell me to "Get lost?" I'm sorry man but if you just wanna be a leech. F*** off.
A quick glance on the msn list.......and poof they're gone bye bye.

After all if I'm not carefull they'll consume me.
With SPM you can really tell who you really should have as friends and who you shouldn't.