The Bite
Chimy Changa

About mirrors

By Kington

This came to me the other day as I was washing my hands and looking into the mirror.


Because there is no such thing as a perfect mirror therefore we can never really see ourselves for what we are.
After all mirrors only provide a reflections from an angle.
Even human eyes see things from 2 different angles.
And the surfaces are smooth to our eyes but there's no proof that it really is smooth so we will never see ourselves as others see us too.


Looking into a mirror we are treated to a sight of ourselves albeit reversed a sideways reverse.
For a lack of a perfect mirror there is also no perfect reflection so there will also never be a perfect opposite of what we are.
Even if we were to find someone that could come close to being a reverse of everything we are it is still dismissable because who could prove it?

Being that way wouldn't everyone be even more unique?


I've got too much free time recently so these kind of things are spewing out of my head.

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