The Bite
Chimy Changa

Now thats just REALLY F---ed up.

By Kington
On reaching home from taylors and a little bit of com parts shopping I was treated to one of the most unnerving piece of news today.

I CAN'T say what it is but lets just say........If my girlfriend (if I had one)came to me and said that she found out from our dna test or something that we are actually siblings.

The shock would be VERY bad. But this on it's own comes pretty dahm near on it's own.

No there's no extra-marital affair happening here nor a divorce or stuff like that.

It's something else that nobody could ever guess. It was so outlandish for the first time in months I've felt my blood run cold on hearing bad news. Those who have been watching my life.......Already know how bad is bad news.

A real balls kecut moment.

*sigh* So for now dahm bummed out. Don't know how I'm going to get the semangat to go do any homework today.

AND NO A GIRL DID NOT JUST TURN ME DOWN. That is much preferred to this suddenly.

Suddenly all those people ranting about love problems and friendship problems seem so unserious and trivial at the moment. It suddenly feels like it's just a little itsy bitsy unbitchy problem that you get everyday. Pretty much as bad as running out of toilet paper while on the can or sneezing on your own shirt or having curry splatter all over your white fav shirt. I wish my problems were only as big as that. Sadly they were until earlier today only.

Cause getting turned down is just painfull. But this is something even emotion comparable with obsidian. Black as hell. I think I'll just turn in early anyway.

5 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous 4/26/2007 12:47:00 am
    I would think that this wouldn't be considered an emotionally painful earful to take. Believe me this will pass.

    But dude, you're keeping alot of people in suspense by not letting them know what it is that's making your nuts smaller than groundnuts.

    Oh well, just put things this way- when it's all over, it can be forgotten realy quickly. If you were rejected by another girl, however, i doubt u'll get a second shot at her. i dunno, maybe this isnt half as bad as rejection. Obviously now it does but give it a few months.

    Try to view it from my point of view la, it'll make u feel a little bit better.

    So which one would you prefer? Oral or anal?
  2. Kington 4/26/2007 08:42:00 pm

    Oral. lol
  3. Anonymous 4/27/2007 06:44:00 pm
    Just to annoy you, who's the girl??
  4. Kington 4/29/2007 08:16:00 pm
    There's none. LOL
  5. Janus995 4/30/2007 06:04:00 pm
    If it's not a girl, who's the guy?

Something to say?