The Bite
Chimy Changa


By Kington
2971 messages.

Yes thats exactly how many messages my phone had at 4.

I just totally cleared out my inbox. So I've got none at the moment.

Before that a quick glance at the first few messages would generally yield.

"Daniel Hon"
"Xiao Hui"
"Khai Sim"
"yean Pui"
"yuih Hui"

And the occasional message from Jorrel, Wei Yew, Chew Xindee and other random people.

But if your pushed the stick up.....You would have seen the names of the 2 people mentioned in my previous post turn up.

Those are the oldest messages in my phone.

Since my phone only displays 3 at a time you'd see 2 from the one which relations have been icy. And 1 from the buddy that sorta drifted away.

I guess that just reminds me I shouldn't screw up anymore.

But then again........2971 MESSAGES!!! A LOT WEI!!!!!!!

I wonder how far back do they go....

Too late to ponder about that.

Then again my phones a bit wrecked on the downside. Bleh.

If only my sis's phone didn't get stolen I'd be using a k-700i till I finally get under a contract and get my own phone.


Still feeling ill today but better. Yesterday ss2 had a freaking night market so couldn't possible see my doc without enduring a constipated jam.

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