The Bite
Chimy Changa

Kington needs 14$ of coins

By Kington
I need 14$ of coins. Why? Parking leh. Next few weeks the exams I need coins for the parking.

Any change is deeply appreaciated. Free rides appreciated even further.(hint hint Beatrice...Kevin...) Would settle the fatigue+back ache problem for those 8 days of coll...

Now I have 18$ already. But I need more to sustain me for the 8 days. 4$ a day after all.
Seriously. Anyone who has coins let me know. I will gladly change them from you.

And I will hug you for the coins ^^

And the earlier post was part of another post. The last post was in the rain. But there was another before in the sunshine.

And yeah for the guys who read my blog they must be hating all this chick-ish stuff by now. So I promise the next story I tell will be ganas ferocious with head ripping and loads of blood k?

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