The Bite
Chimy Changa

Revisiting Thailand

By Kington
I don't feel like going back to Thailand. Coz I was quite emo there actually between the haggling and all.

But aiyoh. My dad, mom and sis are pleading for me to go back to Thailand.


My mom needs my perfect eyesight(those Thai coins hard to read don't laugh) and understanding of public transport.

My sis needs my ability to haggle, my insanely minor thai, my guiding abilities(sense of direction included she has almost none sometimes) and someone to jaga/accompany her.

I've got no reason to go back apart from getting some people who I missed the first time around some buah tangan. And of course getting Sarah(the other one, no not Yong, no not Tan, the other one lah! Aiyoh Jane lah!) a better gift.

But somehow I'm quite lazy to go. First time I went I got a super chun hotel room due to overbooking so I was very happy. But to go back and get a not so chun hotel room would be like ruining the happy happy image. Sniff.

That and I intend to fulfill the promise to Lesley while everyone else is in Bangkok.

I also get my first taste of privacy in close to a month. I've been sleeping blanketless, pillowless on a mattress in the hall for the past few weeks. MMmmmmm bed......

I also scared those CF guys go out again without me! @@ SNIFF YER I STILL TAK PUAS LAH!

@@ Dad just pleaded with me to go with my sis. Sigh I agreed to go on the condition she manages to settle her UK visa and renewing her passport.

@@ *crosses fingers*

Oh btw my phone is having some massive errors. I think it's a maxis thing. So any messages you send me there's about a 90% chance I won't get it. I'm not sure if any messages I sent out got eaten up too. Bird sent me about 8 today all I got was 1.

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