The Bite
Chimy Changa

The Envelope

By Kington
My heart beats rapidly. I let out a deep breath.

I pull it out the small envelope. I tense my thumb and I use it to open the flap which was glued shut.

Slowly, I open it without tearing anything.

I slide it out. And then I pause halfway. I flip it over and look at my name. It's clearly written in black. Even under the pale orange light from the lampost it's clear.

I take another deep breath. I close my eyes. And I say to myself. "let the detector run free"

I turn it over slide it out and read the contents slowly. Having the detector on while reading something like this is truly special. On the paper it says something but in my mind it translates the thoughts of the writer. As if the very person's will is leaping out from the small thing held in my hand.

I read it throught once. It doesn't say anything special. At the most it seems like a generic note.

I "read" it again. It tells me what I've suspected for awhile. It's nothing new to me. It's not too important either.

It just confirms things.

A wind blows. The note and the envelope flutters in the wind. I feel like letting both of them go. And turning to snap at them. Setting them on fire. I look inside the envelope feeling it's uneveness.

There's another piece of paper. Not bothering to read it the conventional way I use the old methods right up.

Hmmm, something new. It mentions something new.

I chuck the envelope along with it's contents on a table with some other stuff not bothering to hide it.

No point hiding it. No one would be able to understand it. Even if anyone else tried to read it they would learn nothing.

I've met someone else who also knew something about the old ways of understanding things. I've no idea what happened to the person. But that fella couldn't understand how to master it. So the fella kept having seemingly lucky guesses. If that person mastered it or at least made the attempt to...I could use his opinion on the contents but....That person is gone too...And now I'm all alone in the understanding of this.

So this confirms my suspicions and my earlier deductions. And it tells me something new I should look forward to. Hmm so things change again eh?....

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