The Bite
Chimy Changa

2 thumbs up

By Kington
2 thumbs up ladies and gents!
2 unscannable thumbs up!

I got my IC renewed because I'm already 18. Really fast actually. But the scanner couldn't read my thumbs. And I don't think it's cause of the calloused right thumb.

Lady tried everything. From powder to cream. Nope. No go.

Finally she said. "Thumbprint tak match lah."

Hmmm...Retrospectively...When Mr Chua tried looking at our fingerprints last year...It was agreed I've got freaking scary thumbprints.

Maybe all that thumb damage changed it eh?

My mom has no thumbprints though. Creepier.

Side note...I'm begining to re-consider working for my dad. Because that would mean working with my sis.

And from what happened today. Doesn't seem good.

I checked out entry requirements for Bath psychology. GOODNESS GRACIOUS! 3 A's!

Well at least I can consider Australian Unis as long as it's not engineering. I'll go have a look around.

Although HELP's 30k for 3 years program seems tempting...With friends there and all...But hey it's my life I'm putting on the barb wire here.

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