The Bite
Chimy Changa

A wise man once said...

By Kington
"If there was a law against stupidity I'm a repeat offender."

Actually no. I don't think any wise man would say that. Probably a wise guy though.

Ugh slept at 3 yesterday. Super sleepy in college...

Last night went out with Bird and Emily for supper. Lucky lah had Emily there if not Bird confirm whine non-stop about results all the way.

"Eh Bird if you wanna commit suicide...You just fly up then you stop flapping."

When we were done ordering.

"Eh Bird still alive eh!"
"I got caught in the tree."

Had a small discussion on suicide tactics in the end. I managed to turn his opinion around about the merits of jumping.


Alright I've got the goods. I can go Uni now.

After fretting about it for awhile I just totally forgot about it till my cousin's girlfriend reminded me about 1 week ago.

But shortly before that I came up with a contingency plan.

Screw up AS too much to get into uni and I'll do psych in Help.

Sigh still doing engineering.

Somehow it's all a bit lacklustre. After being so stressed up over it when taking the papers somehow when I got the results it was more relief that I didn't mess up than being happy I did pretty ok.

But the buildup was bad. I couldn't get up because I had daya ria and it blew apart my sleeping schedule.

So I got up at 10:30 got to coll at about close to 12.

But I was kinda worried because I asked Andrew and he said a few ppl didn't get A for econs. And he didn't get A for physics either. Which I really really needed. Even if it's 3 As and 1 B for phys I'm out of Uni because I applied to unis too high in the tier.

Then when I got to coll I found out by overhearing the Vietnamese girl talk to Eswhy...No one in their law class got above D for socio. And quite a few people screwed up math.


I had to wait for Mr Ananda to get back to the office before I could get my results in the end so I waited till 1.

When I told my mom and dad they were quite happy about it.

But I knew 1 thing is for sure.

Those 3 As are gonna be worth squat at the rate my A2 is going.

(For the benefit of the SAM people)

A-lvls is divided into

AS (which is what we just took which is just pretty much a repeat of SPM material with more thinking)
and A2 (entry level uni stuff. The material is very different much more complex and requires a level of maturity that I don't have)

AS and A2 will be averaged out at the end of the 1 and a half year course to determine the final grade.

And as my teachers put it.

"An A in AS helps your final grade. But be sure to get an A because you're going to be hard pressed to do well in A2."

Ms. Indra is freaking right so far.

"Even with an A in econs for AS, It's still possible to get C for the final grade so don't relax."

Ms. Chian is also on the ball. I've got a feeling I'm quite dead in this department too.

Ms. Lim however just encouraged us to do well over all. Maybe cause she's given up hope on us.

Either way like my sis said "Getting the A here means you're answering the way they want you to. But it's good you realise that A2 is the real deal where you'll be tested properly. So keep up the good work."

I've gotta figure out a new way to do things. The old mechanical way of learning by copying isn't working at all in A2. With further math to contend with (I'm weak in both sections. Actually more like crippled) I'm in a very bad state to fight it.

Can't give up yet sigh.

"For every time you refuse to use your talents. It's as if you're refusing a gift from God. And even when you're refusing to use a gift from one of your friends they would feel offended. How do you think the person who has done more than just given you talents and life feel?"

They ring hard. And I realise I've gotta look for my wings again. And if I can't find them...I better have something that allows me to fly.


And oh my results at this level although they sound good...They aren't "wow" worthy actually. They're good I have to admit. But everyone knows I could lose things. And we're all still in the thick of the woods. Lets add oil(to borrow a phrase from a friend) my fellow a-lvls brothers and sisters and fill those A2 papers to the brim with something more susbstantial than crap.

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