The Bite
Chimy Changa

Long arms provide more moment!

By Kington
I was sitting in the library. At the computer cluster. Wanting to blog on wednesday, read up on spiritual stuff and check a few blogs.

Then a real freak of massive proportions came and sat next to me.

Ok lah he ain't fat or anything. However as I quoth!

Excerpt from E! News(really)
today i was walking with Desmond to the new office Taylor's used wasted our money on. (i feel wasted is more apt in describing what Taylor's does with our money) i was feeling a bit sluggish all of a sudden, and Desmond too was feeling a bit lazy so we were sorta shuffling and dragging our feet along.

so we were walking, then Desmond said:

"i feel like we just had sex."

*no conversation...*

"SO.. uh, what time is it?"

If Kimm reads this blog. (No not the Kimberley from HELP.) She's gonna go "HAHAHAHA THATS SOOOOO DESMOND!!!"

So well yes I know Desmond. Eswhy knows Desmond. God save us.

Des: What're you doing?...*in a provocative manner*
Me: Uhh reading blogs.*pulls hoodie closer*
Des: Ooooohhhh Who is that? *points at Kim from HELP's picture*
Me: Just some friend from HELP.
Des: *grins in a disturbing way*
Me: *closes a few links with pics of the blog owners there*

The Dude was super annoying. He just kept playing with my CD player by opening it and using his finger to stop the cd then closing it to get the CD to read again then by opening it to stop the cd.

Rinse and repeat.

Eventually the dude googled the BME pain olympics and tried to get me to watch it. When the first image appeared.

A quick guess of all likely outcomes of the video ran through my head...I pulled my hoodie over my head after 4 secs and refused to look at his screen anymore.

Seriously folks DON'T WATCH IT. Googling it is enough to return you a video description that will scar your mind's eye for the rest of your life.

Having this dude here trying to show me the vid was crazy creepy...Because who the nuts ever says "Have you seen the BME pain olympics?" in a gay and seductive manner???

So I Is a website for this. A website full of chat logs. Just chat logs. Very funny chat logs. The potatoe as a valentine's day gift idea came from there.

So I started reading. And laughing at it. Just reading through although it was probably been my 8th time there.

He finally decided that I was boring and he left. Nice.

But if he ever tries to shove a disgusting video in my face again...

Long arms provide more moment!

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