The Bite
Chimy Changa

Thai temperatures causes bizzare dreams

By Kington
I saw a really really pretty girl on Monday but I wasn't sure if she was really that pretty cause it was just some side view from far away.

Tuesday she took our orders. While my dad was picking our fish/lala and vege and stuff and trying to tell the guy in his smattering of Thai how to cook the stuff, I was trying to keep my jaw from hanging open.

THAT LENG. Then she walked off possibly due to the fact that she couldn't understand what the monkey's arse was my dad saying half the time. That or she walked off coz she shy the Malaysian guy staring at her.

My dad says we're eating dinner there again today....WOOT!


Been having really weird dreams in Thailand the past few days. On the first night I imagined I as talking to joel and suddenly he said "Imagine Pui Yean was a computer game level...Like super mario style."

I woke up stared cock around for awhile and went back to sleep and then suddenly. "eh you know ah me an Joel were talking about what would it be like if you had your own level like as in some game designer made a whole level based on you"

The next night I was having dinner with a friend of mine then we did some silly crap and I woke up snickering on the couch/hammock downstairs. I spent a few mins staring at the blank tv screen in front of me.

And the coup de gras. I was walking around some oddly built place talking to random people which all seemed like a normal dream till I woke up and realised I only talked to female friends the whole dream through only spotting 2 male friends but never talking to them.

The following dream was about driving in a really dangerous parking lot which was FREAKING massive. I think this was induced by watching the kingdom and how other people drive in Thailand.


One of the dudes I'm working with told my dad one of the ladies in the other section of the factories likes his son.

My dad replied "lady or lady boy?"

Then my dad took me aside "I don't think you should stay here too long should send you back soon"


Yesterday was full of errors and a Texan man shouting F*** at people because we accidentally dropped a former breaking most of the moulds. Tech glitch really. Dude came over and said sorry in the end. Well needed comic relief.

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